Tips for getting your kids active these school holidays

With School Holidays, literally around the corner we know what every parent must be thinking “how am I going to...

How important is outdoor play for kids

In our last Blog, we spoke about child development. The best recipe to ensure our kids get everything they need...

Why Adventure Camp is great for Growth & Development

As kids grow through primary school (kindergarten to pre-teens), you can expect to see a multitude of changes. From their...

Simple Outdoor Activities you can enjoy with your kids this term

There is something about the outdoors that is really magical for children. When kids are out in the fresh air...

Why every child can benefit from an Adventure these School Holidays

The school holidays can be an exciting time for kids, it is a time where there is no homework and...

Turn life into an Adventure with your kids

Want to introduce more adventure into your kids lives? Well our school holiday camps have just what you need to...

Why socialising is so good for our Kids

Socialising has so many benefits, and is potentially one of the most important life skills a kid can learn. Developing...

How to prepare for Adventure Camp

Quite often, in the lead up to camp, we have quite a few questions from parents that we thought we...

Being outdoors this winter, is actually really good for you.

The colder weather has always been notorious for people instinctively staying indoors, but despite the doom and gloom of winter,...